
Edit’s tekstunivers bærer meget præg af aktuelle emner, som alle kan relatere til nu og her; Sociale relationer, politik, kønsbevidsthed eller humor.

Alle præsenteres de med en unik og særlig indlevelse, hvor det er tydeligt at se hendes arbejde med skuespil.

Glæd jer til at få præsenteret hendes ord i både lyd og krop.

Michael Juhl Svendsen

Adm. Direktør, Forlaget Copenhagen Storytellers

Edit’s talents in acting, writing, and directing are a combination that sets her apart from others. Over the years she has produced scripts for various productions and worked with people from all ages onstage and off.

Her diligence and dedication in producing quality work have made her a valuable asset in the delivery of our projects.

We are delighted with her commitment and the contribution she has made to the production team and her input with decision making has been invaluable.

Her punctuality, openness and willing contributions have served us well and show that she has a strong future in this industry

David Jones

Artistic Director, 2b Acting